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About FAQ
Is the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong part of a broader, international press club alliance?

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, is a private, member-owned club that is open to all.  Probably the most famous press club in the world, it counts correspondents and journalists, as well as diplomats, doctors, bankers, lawyers, artists, teachers and other occupations among its members. The FCC is a separate legal entity that is fully independent of other press clubs and does not work with them when issuing press freedom statements, hosting speakers’ events, or any other activities.

Do I need to be a foreign correspondent to join?

You do not need to be a foreigner or a correspondent to become an FCC member. The Club welcomes all members of society. There are different categories for correspondents, journalists, diplomats and associates (non-journalist professionals). These are based on your employer and the nature of your professional work. Corporate memberships are available for companies and organizations.

The monthly membership fee is HK$1,300. However, different membership categories have different joining fees. Details can be found here: How to become a member.

How do I apply for membership?

Forms are available at the Front Office and on our website. Please submit the form, along with photos and a signed statement from an introducer who is currently a member, plus signatures from two correspondent members. All applications go through a membership committee. There is currently a waiting list.
The form is downloadable here: Application form

May non-members use the FCC?

Guests may only use the Club while accompanied by an FCC member. Guests should wait in the lobby until a member escorts them inside, and should not remain in the Club if the FCC member has left.

FCC members are responsible for all actions of their guests. The number of guests that may be brought in at one time is subject to the discretion of the Club’s General Manager.

Members of the media, who are not FCC members but who wish to cover a specific news event, should sign it at the Front Office.

May overseas visitors use the FCC?

Professional journalists visiting Hong Kong can apply for a temporary guest membership at the Front Office. You must fill in a form and submit proof of your status as a journalist (such as a business card or official press card) as well as proof of overseas residence (such as a passport or return airplane ticket.) Once approved, the visiting journalist may use the FCC’s downstairs workroom and other facilities.

Visiting professionals who are not journalists can also apply for a temporary guest membership, but must be introduced by a current member.

Members of FCC Partner Clubs may also apply for temporary guest membership. Partner Clubs

How do I pay?

The FCC is a cash-free zone. Payment for all events, food, beverage and products must be done through a membership account. In-person purchases of food and beverage must be done with the presentation of a physical membership card. The member is then billed monthly.

Members are responsible for the payment of all expenses incurred by their guests.

Visiting journalists or guest members may buy stored-value or fixed-valued cards, or pay by credit card for purchases over HK$1,200. Please see the Front Office for details.

ls there a dress code?

The Club relies on the good sense and discretion of members to dress appropriately given the venue, event and time of day.

A few guidelines

  1. Upstairs Dining Room, Verandah, Chinese Restaurant, Hughes and Burton Rooms: Business casual. Shorts and beach shoes are discouraged.
  2. Bert’s Jazz Bar: Smart casual from Monday to Friday; shorts and beech footwear are discouraged. Casual wear is allowed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
  3. Ground Floor Main Bar/Lounge: Casual. Shorts, T-shirts and beach footwear is allowed
  4. All venues: Wearing a singlet is considered unacceptable in any of the above locations.
Can I use my mobile phone inside the FCC?

To preserve a quiet and professional environment for everyone, mobile phone conversations are not allowed in most parts of the Club. If you wish to take a call, you may move to a designated area where there is a fixed-line telephone or to the Lobby.

Are children allowed?

Under Hong Kong law, nobody under the age of 18 is allowed in a licensed bar. Therefore minors are not allowed around the Main Bar, where alcohol is served.

Persons aged 12 to 18 years are permitted in the Lounge, Dining Room and Chinese Restaurant, or at private parties in other parts of the Club.

Children aged 2 to 12 years are permitted in the Lounge, Dining Room and Chinese Restaurant on weekdays up to 7 p.m. They are also permitted on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, or at private parties in other parts of the Club.

Infants (under the age of 2 years) are permitted only on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

Parents, guardians and/or hosts are held responsible for the behaviour of young persons in their company. In the case of private parties, children should be restricted to that specific venue.

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