Tucked away underneath the central staircase, the Club boasts a fully equipped, if modestly sized, health club. Open seven days a week, the facility includes free weights, weight machines, two treadmills, exercise bikes and a rowing machine. And if you feel the need to sweat a little more, there’s a sauna and a steam room. The bathrooms are equipped with lockers and towels are provided. Exercise clothes can be rented for a modest fee. The health club is right next to Bert’s Bar, perfect for those in need of a post-workout libation.
Also next to Bert’s is a quiet workroom, where journalists can finish filing a story or conducting an interview before enjoying the FCC’s other facilities.

Equipped with a good selection of exercise machines, as well as sauna, steam room, showers and changing rooms.

Used by freelance journalists or by members who need a private, quiet workspace in central Hong Kong for a few hours.