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Club Lunch – China Tomorrow: Democracy or Dictatorship?

Date: 14 Nov 2019 12:30 PM | Venue:

China Tomorrow: Democracy or Dictatorship?
Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Professor in Political Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
Thursday, November 14, 2019
12:30pm for 12:45pm – Lunch
1:10pm – Address
1st Floor

Could China become a democracy in a not-too-distant future? Some have predicted that the country’s unprecedented economic growth and middle-class expansion will naturally lead to a liberalization of China’s regime and a move toward democracy. Not so, according to Jean-Pierre Cabestan who, in a recent book, contends that the Chinese Communist Party will continue to adapt and prosper in the coming decades under its well-established authoritarian rule. Influenced by China’s culture and the former Soviet Union’s ideology, most Chinese are not asking for democracy, preferring security, prosperity and social stability to political freedom.
Jean-Pierre Cabestan is a respected academic voice on contemporary China. He is a professor in political science at Hong Kong Baptist University, and is a senior research fellow in France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He has published more than 15 books, mostly about China and Taiwan, and closely follows the China-Africa connection. His latest book will be available for purchase at this luncheon.


Club Lunch
Speaker: Professor Jean-Pierre Cabestan
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Dining Room and Verandah
Greek Salad
British Vegetable Soup with Barley
Glazed Duck Breast with Cinnamon & Honey
Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Pumpkin, Green Asparagus and Orange Gravy
Tandoori Fish with Garlic Naan
Green Salad, Corianders, Red onion rings, Lemon Wedge and Mint Sauce
Brownie with Pecan Nuts
Coffee or Tea
Vegetarian Menu
Greek Salad
British Vegetable Soup with Barley
Baked Vegetable Lasagna
Brownie with Pecan Nuts
Coffee or Tea
*Please inform us if you have any food allergies or intolerances


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