Club Lunch: How Money is Laundered in Hong Kong
Thursday, May 14, 2015
12:30pm for 12:45pm – lunch
1:15pm – address
1st Floor
Fully Booked
Speaker: Bill Majcher
After over 25 years at the global forefront of money laundering and financial crimes, Mr. Majcher shared his observations on the prevalence and ease by which illicit capital flows and financial crimes were carried out in Hong Kong. He discussed specific money laundering and financial crime techniques he personally utilized during his covert career and would draw parallels to current activities taking place in Hong Kong and China.
Mr. Majcher had survived an adventurous and successful career working with Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police and various other foreign agencies — including the FBI — in undercover capacities to investigate drugs, homicides and money laundering. He wais also a former Eurobond and Futures plus Options trader and broker. For much of his career, Mr. Majcher worked multiple long term undercover operations of three years or more in some of the world’s most violent and successful criminal and terrorist organizations. His actual experience in the laundering criminal proceeded and negotiating with professional money launderers was unparalleled in its depth and diversity.