Club Lunch: How to Deal with Difficult People
Thursday, March 3, 2016
12:30pm for 12:45pm – lunch
1:10pm – address
1st Floor
Speaker: Ajahn Brahm,
Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery
The speaker claims that for 2,500 years, Buddhism has kept its cool even among difficult people in dangerous times. He shared strategies based on Buddhist principles on how to be at peace with challenging individuals and how to avoid being a difficult person oneself.
A Cambridge graduate with First Class Honours in Theoretical Physics, Brahm is currently the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in Australia and the Spiritual Advisor to Bodhinyana International Foundation, a not-for-profit organization in Hong Kong, among other roles. A Theravada Buddhist monk for over forty years, he is a sought after speaker at global conferences in Buddhism, computing, shipping and more. He has delivered talks at the corporate headquarters of Facebook, Google, as well as the United Nations. Brahm has also written numerous international bestsellers that have been translated into many different languages including Opening the Door of Your Heart; Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond; The Art of Disappearing; and Good? Bad? Who Knows?