FCC club lunch with Laurence E. LIPSHER
Speaker: Laurence E. LIPSHER, CPA
Columnist / Author
Topic: Tax Wisdom for American Expats in Asia
Navigating taxes, business and life in Asia…
with emphasis on taxation for American expats…
UPDATE: Talk will include a review of President OBAMA’s Economic Stimulus Act and its impact upon the U.S. expat tax filer, and thoughts on UBS’s decision to share the account information of 19,000 overseas Americans with the Internal Revenue Service – will other banks do the same
Nobody likes taxes, but tax expert and author Larry LIPSHER makes the subject tolerable with his lighthearted approach. The speaker, during the past 41 years as a tax specialist, 19 of them in Asia, travels the globe to assist a long list of businesses, rock stars and individuals with tax issues in nine jurisdictions in Asia, plus the United States. He will include in his talk an up-to-the-minute account of likely U.S. tax law changes — and their impact upon U.S. tax return filers.
Based in Guangzhou, Mr.LIPSHER is one of the few foreigners licensed to practice as an accountant in the People’s Republic of China. He has been featured on CNN and CCTV news, and speaks widely on tax themes around the world. His luncheon remarks will address several of the topics covered in his book, The Tax Analects of Li Fei Lao. LIPSHER writes a bi-weekly column on the tax scene in Asia for the American professional journal Tax Analysts, among whose subscribers he has created a large following based on unorthodox themes designed to entertain the reader while imparting important tax knowledge. What do Japanese haiku, kangaroos and Delta Blues music have to do with taxation? Attend this lunch and you just might find out.