Training course: Mental health 101 sessions at the FCC
Date: 12 Nov 2022 10:00 AM — 02:30 PM | Venue: Bert's
The FCC is pleased to offer two mental health training sessions run by clinical professionals from Mind Hong Kong, a local mental health charity.
Both FCC members and non-members are welcome to attend; please feel free to spread the word, particularly to fellow journalists.
To reserve a space, please email [email protected]. The FCC event team will follow up with participants about payment for the course once the booking is confirmed.

Date: Saturday, November 12
Time: 10am – 11.30am (English session); 1pm – 2.30pm (Cantonese session)
Cost: $50

Each 90-minute session is designed as an introduction to the foundations of mental health.

Each session will cover:
– The basics of mental health
– Stigma around mental health
– The spectrum of mental health
– Tips on general wellbeing
– Common mental health challenges: stress, anxiety and depression
– 2 case examples
– How to support others
– Who does what: the difference between counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists
– How to get help in Hong Kong

Trainer biographies

Hannah Sugarman (hosting the English session)

Dr Hannah Sugarman is a clinical psychologist from the UK. She completed her clinical training in London, working in a range of different settings. Dr. Sugarman specialised in working with adults with neurological conditions and other physical health problems. Since relocating to Hong Kong in 2017, Dr. Sugarman has worked with adults, offering psychological therapy for mental health difficulties using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She also works as a clinical advisor for Mind Hong Kong, offering clinical support to training, events and programmes. Hannah is passionate about challenging stigma and improving access to mental health treatment, and she strives to address this through her work with clients, her work at Mind Hong Kong and through the delivery of training sessions to help people to improve their knowledge and understanding of mental health.

Hannah Sugarman 是一名在英國受訓臨床心理學家。她在倫敦完成臨床培訓,並在不同環境服務各界人士。Hannah 主要幫助有神經系統問題或其他身體健康問題的成年人。自 2017 年移居香港,Dr. Sugarman 主要為受精神健康問題的成年人提供以認知行為治療(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)和接納與承諾治療(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)的心理治療。她亦是 Mind Hong Kong 的臨床顧問,並為培訓、活動和計劃提供臨床支援。Hannah 熱衷於去除污名和改善精神健康治療的普及,希望能在她幫助的人士、在 Mind HK 的工作和培訓活動中能夠提升大眾對精神健康的知識與理解。

Alison Lee (co-hosting the Cantonese session)
Alison is an educator and a counsellor. She has completed a bachelor degree in psychology, a masters in counseling for mental health and wellness, and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. She has taught psychology subjects and managed programs in universities for many years. In her counseling practice, she has served in children’s homes, hospitals and community centres, working with people facing life transitions and mental health challenges. She lived in New York City for about ten years and loved the cultural diversity. In 2022, Alison joined Mind Hong Kong, where she works on mental health training and development as a clinical advisor. Aligned with Mind Hong Kong’s vision, she aspires to promote and support mental wellbeing for people living in Hong Kong.
Alison 是一名心理學導師和輔導員。她完成了心理學學士、精神健康輔導碩士和臨床心理學博士學位。她多年來一直在大學教授和管理心理學課程。在輔導經驗上,她曾在兒童之家、醫院和社區中心服務,為面對生活轉變和精神上遇到挑戰的人同行。她在紐約市生活了近十年,熱愛文化多樣性。Alison 於 2022 年加入香港心聆擔任臨床顧問,從事精神健康培訓和發展工作。與香港心聆的願景一樣,她渴望能促進和支援香港人的心理健康。

Thomas Chan (co-hosting the Cantonese session)
Thomas is a registered counselling psychologist (HKPS) and a registered expressive arts therapist (IEATA). He joined Mind Hong Kong in August 2022. He has been engaging in educational and psychological support for children, adolescents, and parents from local schools, NGOs and private counselling centres. Thomas is experienced in counselling and training. He provides community-based support services such as individual counselling services for clients with special needs, parent/teacher consultations and community integration services. Mindfulness-based and trauma-informed intervention are part of his therapeutic approach.

Thomas為註冊輔導心理學家(HKPS)及表達藝術治療師(IEATA),於2022年8月加入Mind HK。Thomas一直於學校、非政府機構(NGOs)、私營輔導中心從事學童、青少年、家長的心理及教育工作,具輔導及培訓經驗。近年開始提供社區心理支援服務,包括特殊需要個案個人輔導,家長/教師諮詢,社區共融活動等。靜觀為本及創傷知情介入方式為Thomas主要的治療手法。 |
- All Members holding a private function or joining a Club event, and any Members’ guests joining these activities, must before entering show our staff photographic proof of a negative RAT test. The RAT test must be taken within 24 hours of joining the function and must show the person’s name, date, and time the test was taken, as per photo sample. Alternatively an SMS notification can be shown containing the result of a negative PCR test received within the 48 hours preceding his/her entry to the Club.
- Please be aware that the following government requirements must be followed by attendees: mandatory use of the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile app and proof of vaccination (through a QR code or on paper). Those who do not follow these measures will not be admitted to the event and will not be refunded the event fee.
- Confirmation will be sent to you once your booking is accepted. If you do not receive a confirmation within two working days, please contact our concierge.
- No cancellations will be accepted after Noon on Thursday, November 10, 2022.