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Statement from the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong on Victor Mallet

The FCC is shocked and baffled that the government of Hong Kong has denied entry to Victor Mallet, Asia news editor for The Financial Times and 1st Vice-President of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club.

Since the Hong Kong government refused to renew Mallet’s work visa in early October, the FCC has been asking for a reasonable explanation, to no avail.

The FCC is now reiterating its demand for an immediate explanation for this aggravated and disproportionate sanction that seems completely unfounded.

This action places journalists working in Hong Kong in an opaque environment in which fear and self-censorship may replace the freedom and confidence essential to a free society, and guaranteed by the Basic Law.

Hong Kong, 9 November 2018

Petition demanding authorities explain Victor Mallet’s visa refusal: English version, Chinese version

FCC Statement on Victor Mallet’s case

The refusal by Hong Kong authorities to renew the work visa of the Financial Times Asia News Editor Victor Mallet has generated grave concerns both in Hong Kong and around the world.

The FCC has asked the Hong Kong authorities to explain this decision, which sets a disturbing precedent and undermines Hong Kong’s reputation as a jurisdiction where the rule of law applies and where freedom of speech and freedom of association are guaranteed by law.

On October 9, the Chief Executive dismissed as “speculation” the link between the visa refusal for Mr Mallet and the lunch held at the FCC in August where he hosted Andy Chan Ho-tin, co-founder of the now banned pro-independence party HKNP. However, no alternative explanation has been offered. Throughout its long history the FCC has hosted politicians, businesspeople, professionals and artists of varied political persuasions, including senior members of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments and their critics.

The importance of this visa sanction goes far beyond the Foreign Correspondents’ Club and its short or long-term future in Hong Kong; it goes far beyond the FT Hong Kong bureau losing its Asia News editor, and beyond Victor Mallet himself.

This visa decision suggests that free speech may not be permitted in certain unspecified areas. The absence of an official reason or a clear explanation makes the decision appear arbitrary and lacking any basis in Hong Kong law and creates an impossible working environment for the media.

The rule of law is an essential feature of Hong Kong’s identity and its success as an international financial and commercial centre. The FCC therefore reiterates its call for the Hong Kong government to explain its action, or, in the absence of a reasonable explanation, to reverse its decision.

The FCC remains committed to playing an important civic role in facilitating debate and exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics that concern Hong Kong, Asia and the world. We will continue to welcome speakers with a range of views, including pro-establishment figures as well as Hong Kong government and Chinese officials.

12 October 2018

Sign the petition demanding an explanation: English and Chinese

香港當局拒絕續簽金融時報亞洲新聞編輯Victor Mallet的工作簽證,引起香港以及國際的極度關切。
香港外國記者會成立多年,經常接待不同政見的政治家、 商人、 專業人士和藝術家,包括香港及內地官員以及批評他們的人士。

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