A Message from the FCC President
Dear FCC Members:
This is a bittersweet note to write. I will be leaving Hong Kong in late December, moving to Bloomberg’s Global Business team in New York as a senior editor helping guide our coverage of the U.S. government response to the Covid-19 virus and the vaccine rollout.
It has been one of the highlights of my professional life to be president of the FCC for the past 18 months and to serve on the Board of Governors before that. This is the world’s best press club and a standard bearer of press freedom — a mission I cherish. I wish I could finish my second term yet this is a professional opportunity I can’t pass up. Family reasons are also calling me back to the U.S. The pandemic has made it difficult to live so far away from my elderly mother and my young-adult sons, without being able to travel.
The FCC will remain in excellent hands. I have been fortunate to work with a top-notch Board of Governors, who I know will make a wise choice in early January as to who will take over the presidency for the five months left after I end my term on Dec. 31. I plan to fully carry out my duties until then. We also are fortunate to have a terrific staff, led by our general manager, Didier Saugy.
I will be around the FCC through the holiday season. I hope to be able to see many of you and raise a toast to the world’s best press club.
Thank you,
Jodi Schneider
Hong Kong
Dec. 1, 2020