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News Club Notices FCC AGM 2016

FCC AGM 2016



NOTICE IS hereby GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong will be held at the First Floor, North Block, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, Hong Kong on Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 6:00 p.m. for the following purposes:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2015;
  2. Approval of the President’s report;
  3. Approval of the Treasurer’s report;
  4. Approval of the audited financial statement for the year ended 31 March 2016;
  5. Appointing auditor of the company to hold office until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting at a fee to be agreed the Board;
  6. The inauguration of the new Board of Governors for 2016-2017 as per results of the election.

The meeting is open to ALL MEMBERS of the Club.

You are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf at the AGM. We enclosed a proxy form for your completion. Please make sure your proxy attends the AGM with a completed original proxy form, and identification document, and hands it in to the relevant member of staff.

By order of the Board of Governors,


Neil Western


April 15, 2016

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