Glimpses Over The Edge: Photographs of Refugees – exhibition opens

Alexander Treves opened his wall exhibition at the FCC on November 3 with a plea to act to help the world’s refugees.
His book, Glimpses Over The Edge: Photographs of Refugees, details the plight of the world’s displaced.
In a statement, he said: “There are now more than 60 million people displaced by conflict, violence or persecution across our planet, a greater number than at any time since the end of the Second World War. The problem is broader than many people realise, extending to our own doorstep in Hong Kong.
“The photographs for this project were taken in twelve different countries and in many different circumstances, a reflection of the diversity of the refugee experience.
“For all of the scale of this global disaster, ultimately it matters at a personal level. The mass of the displaced is of course comprised of 60 million individual stories, 60 million individual lives.
“The formidable size of the problem can’t be a justification for inaction. If each of us cannot easily fix the root causes of displacement, we absolutely can help people who find themselves in that wretched situation: the terms of their plight are not inevitable.

“Even moderate assistance can make all of the difference in the world to someone like you or like me who somehow has been uprooted from their home and has come close to losing everything. Aid directed effectively can help individuals who’ve slipped over the edge.
“Justice Centre Hong Kong assists refugees in our city. Please support them.”