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HONG KONG, May 6, 2021 — In a year of a pandemic lockdowns, political upheaval in Hong Kong, and protests across the region, the winning entries in the Human Rights Press Awards (HRPA) showcase courage and originality of journalistic storytelling about human rights in Asia.
Radio Television Hong Kong won the Chinese-language documentary award for its investigation into the Yuen Long attack of July 2019, which saw an armed mob beat commuters and protesters inside a subway station. “Chasing the smallest clues, interrogating the powerful without fear or favor. An investigative reporting classic,” the judging panel said of the video entry by freelance producer Bao Choy and 5 other colleagues. A deep dive by the BBC on “China’s ‘Tainted’ Cotton” won the English-language Multimedia award. The work illustrated the potential scale of forced labor involving hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang’s cotton industry. The judges said the entry, by journalists John Sudworth, Kathy Long, Wang Xiqing, Kathryn Westcott and James Percy adds to the BBC’s “brave, comprehensive and groundbreaking body of work on a subject that is of continuing, and crucial, international relevance.” View the full list of winners and runners-up here Now in the 25th year, the HRPA is Asia’s most prestigious celebration of journalism that raises awareness of human rights issues and shines a light on threats to freedom. There were a record 549 submissions in all formats, up by 12.5% compared to last year. The winning entries included the “Fruits of Labor” by the Associated Press, which won the English-language Investigative Feature Writing award for “illustrating a clear link between the harrowing stories in the plantations to decisions by financiers and consumers, who can make a change.” An account of the early days of the coronavirus outbreak in China, titled “‘End of the World:’ A Pandemic Begins in Wuhan” by Agence France-Presse won the English-language Breaking News Writing award. “The story of 2020, the public health story of a generation, told at great literal risk, global consequences,” the panel of judges said of the story. Reports on the Indian government’s targeting of its sizeable Muslim minority won awards in the Explanatory Feature Writing and Short Video categories. Reports on how India’s caste system exacerbates the socioeconomic effects of pandemic lockdowns, Afghanistan’s female police officers, China’s growing intolerance, and Hong Kong’s “invisible red lines” were among other award-winning entries. The Chinese-language winners also chronicled Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong following the 2019 protests, including the imposition of a new national security law. A report by Deutsche Welle on two protesters who were shot by the police took the Short Video prize, while a comprehensive report by Initium Media on the thousands of people arrested and charged in connection with the Hong Kong protests took the Multimedia prize. An investigation by Apple Daily, which used flight-tracking data to question the Hong Kong government’s account that it was unaware of a group of activists seeking to flee to Taiwan by speedboat, took the Investigative Feature Writing award. A report by Mirror Media, drawing on what judges praised as deep and probing interviews with Hong Kong protesters on their reactions to the crackdown, won the Explanatory Feature writing award. The People’s Choice Award received 21,723 online votes, with the public choosing their favorite photo from a selection of six outstanding images. The winning shot, “Little Brother and Little Sister” by Fung Hoi Kin of Ming Pao, showed two underage siblings being detained by riot police during a protest. HRPA is organised by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong, Amnesty International Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Journalists Association. There will not be a 2021 awards ceremony as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. All the prize-winning photographs, including runners-up, will be displayed at the Hong Kong FCC and are open to public viewing. Please follow us on: |
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香港,2021年5月6日 — 過去一年,經歷致命病毒大流行,香港的政治動盪及亞洲各地的示威活動等,人權新聞獎(HRPA)的獲獎作品彰顯了新聞工作者報道與亞洲人權相關的新聞時的勇氣和獨創性。
香港電台《7.21誰主真相》針對2019年7月元朗襲擊事件的調查報道而獲得中文紀錄片大獎。作品由自由身新聞編導蔡玉玲及5位新聞工作者共同製作,報道呈現事發時在港鐵站內,手持武器的暴民無差別襲擊乘客和示威者。評審讚揚作品:「追蹤最細微線索,無畏無懼,詰問強權。調查報道經典。」 英國廣播公司(BBC)的《中國製的「血棉花」》報道奪得英文多媒體大奬。該報道對新疆棉花產業進行深入研究,說明了強迫勞動的潛在規模,當中涉及成千上萬的維吾爾人和其他少數民族。評審讚謂:「記者在這持續且在國際意義上至關重要的主題上展現其勇氣,作品全面而具開創性。」 人權新聞獎今年踏入第25屆,一直致力提高人們對人權及自由的關注,是亞洲享負盛名的新聞界盛事。今屆我們共收到549份參賽作品,數目為歷年之冠,增幅為12.5%。 獲獎作品包括美聯社的《勞動成果》,它闡明了資本家和消費者所作的決定如何令棕櫚種植園的工人逐步被剝削及他們的苦況。該作品贏得英文調查專題大奬。 法新社的《「世界末日」: 世紀病毒始於武漢》報道了新型冠狀病毒在中國爆發初期的故事,獲得了英文突發新聞大獎。 評審說:「2020年的故事,一代人的公共衞生事件,冒着巨大風險而成的報道,為全球帶來影響。」 以印度政府針對其龐大的穆斯林少數族群為題材的報道贏得了英文解釋性特寫和短片大獎。其他獲奬的報道包括《阿富汗女警》,《中國越來越無法容忍反對聲音》以及《無形的紅線》等。 中文組別的獲勝者記錄了在2019年反修例運動之後北京對香港的鎮壓行動,包括實施新的國家安全法。德國之聲一段關於示威者被警察槍傷後的新聞故事獲得了短片大獎,而端傳媒的《大檢控,香港人所經歷的拘捕和審判》呈現了因反修例運動相關罪行而被捕和被控的年青人的故事,獲得多媒體大獎。 蘋果日報的 《踢爆港府密謀12人送中 警坐定翼機 監視偷渡艇》獲得中文調查專題大獎。該報道利用飛行數據質疑香港政府聲稱對12 港人試圖以快艇逃到台灣並不知情的說法。鏡傳媒的《從「沒有臉孔的人」到「沒有聲音的人」系列:香港抗爭者群像,與國安法落地後的港人群像追蹤報道》,就香港示威者面對政權的鎮壓作出深入的報道,得到評審們的讚揚,並獲得解釋性特寫大獎。 「一人一票最佳新聞圖片獎」讓公眾從六張優秀的新聞圖片選出心頭好,投票期內一共收到21,723票,大獎最終由作品「 年少的兄妹」奪得。作品由《明報》的馮凱鍵拍攝,相片捕捉了一對路經示威現場的未成年兄妹被捕一刻。 人權新聞獎由香港外國記者會、國際特赦組織香港分會及香港記者協會合辦。因應新型冠狀病毒疫情持續,2021年人權新聞獎將不會舉辦頒獎禮。所有獲獎攝影作品將於香港外國記者會公開展出。 追蹤我們的社交平台以獲得最新資訊: |