16 Sep 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Benedict ROGERS
Author and Human Rights Campaigner
East Asia Team Leader at Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Topic: Burma’s crimes against humanity: a test-case for the responsibility to protect
Benedict ROGERS has travelled almost thirty times to Burma and its borderlands. He will give an...

18 Aug 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Dr Philip NITSCHKE (PhD MD)
Director, Exit International
Topic: Euthanasia in Asia: the need for an exit plan
Can the elderly – as well as the seriously ill – be lawfully entitled to a peaceful death at a time of their choosing? Dr. NITSCHKE will share his views on the controversial issu...

23 Jul 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: John GREENWOOD
Chief Economist, Invesco, London
Topic: Emerging from the Canyon:Asian Prospects in 2009-2010
John GREENWOOD will explain why the current recession is different from many of its post-war predecessors, and what this implies for the developed economies, as well as for econom...

20 Jul 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Jonathan LASH
President, World Resources Institute
Topic: Climate Change – U.S. Policy and China
On June 26, 2009 the U.S. House passed a climate bill that would literally change the face of America - its factories, power sources and buildings, landscapes and employment patterns. The bil...

16 Jul 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Edward STOKES
Founder Director, The Photographic Heritage Foundation
Topic: Asia’s historical photographs: publishing the region’s hidden gems
Mr. STOKES’s photo talk will reflect on a three-year journey to create The Photographic Heritage Foundation, and why photographs from the past en...

14 Jul 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Managing Director, External Affairs
ACCION International
Topic: International microfinance networks in China: can they get it right?
Roy JACOBOWITZ will speak about the current efforts and challenges involved in bringing financial services to China’s poor. Despite a strong...

24 Jun 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Jimmy LAI
Chairman, NEXTmedia
Topic: A Conversation with Jimmy Lai, Chairman, NEXTmedia
Mr. Jimmy LAI, a Director of NEXTmedia since 1999, is currently the Chairman of the Board. He is responsible for formulating and implementing the Group's strategies and policies.
Mr. LAI entered the m...
15 Jun 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Sir Donald TSANG
Chief Executive of Hong Kong
Topic: A Dialogue with Donald: The Future of the Past
The Chief Executive is going to talk about heritage preservation in Hong Kong.
Sir Donald TSANG has been the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's ...

9 Jun 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Speaker: Jasper BECKER
Author & Managing Director, Legend Strategic Consultancy
Topic: The City of Heavenly Tranquility
What does the destruction of old Beijing tell us about attitudes to history and China's great cultural legacy? Mr.Jasper BECKER will discuss the efforts to resist the demolition...
8 Jun 2009 01:00 PM — 02:00 PM
Topic: Media Roundtable: Journalism 2009 and Onwards
Steve Vines
Journalist and Broadcaster
Philip Bowring
Columnist, International Herald Tribune /Former Editor, Far Eastern Economic Review
K.C. Chan
Chief Editor, Hong Kong Economic Journal
Eric Wishart
Asia-Pacific Directo...