May 4, 2016
The FCC Archives sub-committee chaired by one Convenor, who is a member of the FCC board, members, invited experts and the FCC staff. The sub-committee meets on request to address issues related to the ongoing archiving of the club’s history.
Archives Sub-Committee Convenor:
Carsten SCHAEL (Corre...

May 4, 2016
The FCC Wall Committee is made up of two Co-Convenors, who are members of the FCC board, members and the FCC staff. The Committee meets once a month and is tasked with reviewing and approving proposals for exhibitions on the Van Es Wall and displays on other walls of the club.
Current Wall Commit...

April 18, 2016
FCC Food & Beverage Committee
The FCC Food & Beverage Committee (F&B Committee) is made up of two Convenors, who are members of the FCC board, members and the FCC staff. The Committee meets once a month and is tasked with reviewing and approving the food and beverage selection on our...

April 18, 2016
The FCC House/Food and Beverage Committee (House/Food and Beverage Committee) is made up of Four Co-Conveners, who are members of the FCC board, members and the FCC staff. The Committee meets once a month and is tasked mostly with ‘back-of-house’ issues like service quality, staffing, building ma...

April 18, 2016
FCC Professional Committee
The Professional Committee invites newsworthy speakers to the Foreign Correspondents' Club, as part of the club's core role of providing a neutral venue for discussions of local and international events and trends. The talks take place in the FCC's main dining room, us...

April 13, 2016
Professional Contacts appear in every bi-monthly issue of The Correspondent. For more information email [email protected] or call +852 2511 1511.

March 10, 2016
Whilst not wishing to interfere with members’ enjoyment and relaxation, and bearing in mind the vagaries of fashion, it is difficult to be specific, so the Club relies on the good sense and discretion of members to dress appropriately given the venue or event, day of the week and time of day. A f...

January 4, 2016
The Correspondent lives on
It might surprise you to know that it wasn't until 1987 that The Correspondent magazine began to appear regularly in its current format. Other issues had appeared from time to time in the 1960s, 70s and early 80s, but not on a regular basis. By the mid-80s it had been r...

December 30, 2015
From conferences to cocktails to wedding receptions, the FCC has had the privilege of organising and hosting many special events for members. We offer a variety of venue spaces and catering packages. The venues, subject to availability, include: Dining Room, Verandah, Bert's, Hughes room and Burt...